. This is the same as wu's version pretty much.. If you check your dw4 database in alphabetical listing, there are 16 officers with the name zhang, and out of those 16, only 5 of them are related (zhang fei and zhang bao, and then zhang jiao, bao, and liang)..
Dynasty warriors 4 - stage flow charts - in dynasty warriors 4 musou mode while playing the major kingdoms (wei, shu, and wu) your storyline changes depending on your actions and the stage order you choose. there are also special stages that you can reach by fulfilling certain requirements (which you must get to unlock many items and some officers).. . Dynasty warriors 3 xtreme legends was an upgrade to koei's dynasty warriors 3 and did "ok" in sales, it has also been confirmed that a new dynasty warriors 4 xtreme legends will be released sometime this winter..