Hi, i'm loving my m17x! i've only had it for a few weeks but very impressed!! i'm been playing left4dead 2 on max settings and it looks/plays great..... The doom 3 main menu still uses lower resolution graphics when a custom resolution is set. my monitor stretches the image to fill the entire screen, but you can see that it looks a bit fuzzy due to the upscaling.. How to get games (like doom 3) to go full screen? the game is running at 640x480 (in the lower left corner of the screen and filling everything else with black). is there any way to get x to switch to rendering at 640x480 when the game is launched and thus permitting the game to fill the entire screen..
Note: you should be able to input "3" instead of "0" in the above command line, which for most users immediately allowed them full screen access to doom 3 bfg. other steam users have mentioned that using "2" or"4" worked in their case, "4" being the most common after "3".. Like everybody else, i've been butting my head against the wall trying to figure out a solution to the opengl issue. for most of you who receive this error, though you may not have realized it, the problem with doom 3 bfg seems to be with it running in full screen mode.. » games » how to fix no fullscreen in doom 2016? how to fix no fullscreen in doom 2016? 3558. 3. after this actions the doom resolution should match to the set one earlier and also must be in a full screen mode. enjoy! found a mistake? highlight the text and press ctrl + enter. 3 . 5 . related posts..