Thursday, September 10, 2020

Savegame Manager Gx Download

Savegame manager gx allows you to extract/install savegames and miis from/to your wii; databin files supported it allows savegames to be copied from the wii to an sd card, including savegames that cannot normally be copied from the system menu it is a modification of the savegame manager from waninkoko unlike savegame manager, savegame. Savegame manager gx download. Savegame manager is an independent and completely free software which allow you to back-up and restore your save games if you want to make back-up for your save games, synchronize them or just share them with a friend, this is the right tool ! savegame manager includes : -a manager that allow you to delete/ignore/select your desired saves -a.

savegame manager gx download

Télécharger SaveGame Manager GX r127 - Wii Info