Thursday, February 14, 2019

Nba 2k16 Pc Buttons

Nba 2k16 pc keyboard controls workaround firstly let me start off by saying what 2k has subjected us pc gamers to is frankly quite appalling and it disheartens me. now that the unpleaseantaries are out of the way lets move on to the pc keyboard controls workaround shall we.steps are as follows. I just found a possible temporary fix of how to customize your keyboard controls until 2k comes up with a patch or something. all you need to do is:. About. is your source for nba 2k series content. here you will find the latest news and updates from 2k sports, along with extensive collection of mods, rosters, tutorials, patches and other downloadable game content for the pc version..

Nba 2k15 Pc Next Gen | - Images Galleries ...

Nba 2k15 pc next gen | - images galleries

Step 5:press f7 while on the trainer then (press alt+tab) go back to nba 2k16 step 6:go to option then edit your controls on control configuration (don't leave any button empty). Wow, i can't believe i have to find a workaround just so i can use my keyboard to play the game. they went to the trouble to port the game for pc, but don't allow you to use the keyboard.. Nba 2k17 have released a month. and some pc users don't have a controller so they have to play the game with keyboard. many nba 2k gamers think about that playing with a keyboard is useless even if you can rebind the key..